Nevrologiske plager og symptomer
Medisinsk klarsynte Anthony William, forfatter av boken Medisinsk klarsynt, hjelper mange mennesker med å bli friske av flere av nåtidens merkelige sykdommer som legevitenskapen i dag ikke vet hva skyldes. Ved hjelp av sitt sterke klarsyn har han hjulpet uttalige mennesker over mange år deriblant mange leger samt hjulpet flere leger med vanskelige pasient tilfeller.
Jeg vil sterkt anbefale å lese boken "Medisinsk klarsynt - Om sannheten om sykdom og helbredelse" av Anthony William, der han forklarer hva som ligger bak mange av disse ukjente sykdommene og hvordan man kan hjelpe seg ved hjelp av riktig diett og kosttilskudd. Mer informasjon om Anthony William på
Jeg vil her dele kort noe av det Anthony William forteller om Nevrologiske plager og symptomer, hva som ligger bak dette og hvordan man kan hjelpe seg selv i møte med dette. Veldig mye er hentet fra hans radio show som du finner her:
Nederst på denne siden følger en innholdsrik oversikt over Anthony William anbefalt mat og urter for ulike nevrologiske plager (dette på engelsk)(Bruk evt. Ctrl+F for å få opp søkeboks og søk etter det som er aktuelt for deg, men bruk da engelske ord her.
Hvis du lider av et følsomt sentralnervesystem, neuropati, prikking og nummenhet i hender og føtter, summing i ørene, ufrivillige skjelvinger / rystelser (tremor), kjemiske følsomheter, tretthet eller hjerne tåke, kan dette skyldes nevrologiske plager og det kan være fint å gi ditt nervesystem litt hjelp.
Anthony William forteller om årsakene til nevrologiske symptomer og hvordan du begynner å helbrede.
Å vite hva som foregår, er halve kampen for å få fred. Kunnskapen om nevrologisk tretthet begynner å bli mer kjent der ute. Noen ganger blir det feildiagnostisert som bindevevs plager. Nervesystemet trenger litt hjelp i dagens verden; og nerveplager forårsaker mye mystisk sykdom. Vi må ha medfølelse i hjertet vårt fordi det er mye vondt der nevrologiske problemer og mystisk sykdom er involvert. Folk har lidd så mye. Sentralnervesystem plager og symptomer er forvirrende og irriterende når vi har å gjøre med sykdom.
Symptomer (og hva som ligger bak):
• Nervespasmer, muskelspasmer: musklene gjør ikke teknisk krampe, er det en nerve i
den muskelen som skaper spasmer, rykninger
• Svimmelhet / vertigo/ som å være på en båt…: Det er vagus nerven som blir irritert av Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
• smerter i nakke: Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Merkelig gnag i mage og tarmkanalen: disse tarmproblemer kan være nevrologiske. Noen kan føle at maten går ned gjennom hele tarmen: det som skjer er at tusenvis av nerver som kommer fra bunnen av vagus og phrenic nervene og går fra ryggraden til tarmkanalen. De tror de ikke kan fordøye, men det er nevrologisk. Kan være tilfelle ved Irritabel tarm (IBS) eller angst.
• Flutterende hjerte kan være nevrologisk fra vagus nerven.
• Kan ikke svelge godt eller ta dypt pust. Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Prikking og nummenhet i hender og føtter. Nummenhet på ulike deler av kroppen. Kalde hender og kalde føtter - nervefølelser kan forveksles med sirkulasjonsproblemer.
• Tinnitus, humming eller summing i ørene.
• Tunghet - føtter eller ben kan føles tunge som bly..., hode, hele kroppen kan slite med nevrologisk tretthet.
• Tremor og risting. Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Fibromyalgi - alt gjør vondt, vondt og vondt som kommer fra EBV.
• Neuropati
• Kjeve smerte / tannkjøtt smerte
• Glemsomhet, feilplasserte ord, føler seg forvirret uten god grunn, blir lett skremt, hjernefeil, føler seg frakoblet
• Angst : Er typisk relatert til et følsomt nervesystem
• Depresjon
• Kjemiske følsomheter er nevrologisk følsomhet
Når man opplever nevrologisk tretthet slik som ME så er dette forskjellig fra binyretretthet. Hvis det føles som en kamp for å tvinge bena til å gå, og hodet føles tungt og tåket, eller bare det å krype ut av sengen og stå opp synes umulig eller vanskelig, da kan du oppleve nevrologisk tretthet som kan komme med Epstein-Barr-virus og er en alvorlig type kronisk tretthet. Ikke alle tilfeller av nevrologiske tretthet er imidlertid så alvorlige. Noen kan oppleve mildere symptomer av nevrologisk tretthet også.
Noen ganger merkes "nevropati" når en utøver ikke er helt sikker på hva som er galt, men vet at det er relatert til nerveproblemer. Leger diagnostiserer en del pasienter med diabetisk nevropati, men Anthony William forteller at nevropati er ikke en komplikasjon av diabetes, det er et resultat av helvetesildviruset som betenner nerver av ekstremiteter som føttene. AW har kalt denne tilstanden Neuralgic Shingles og forteller om det i boken Medical Medium. Når noen opplever nerveproblemer i form av tannkjøttsmerter, kjeve smerter kan de bli diagnostisert med neuralgia, disse smertene skyldes også helvetesild viruset forteller AW.
En stor rekke nevrologiske problemer er forårsaket av Epstein-Barr, helvedesild og dets mange stammer som ennå ikke er oppdaget. Enten du har Epstein-Barr som forårsaker fibromyalgi eller helvetesild forårsaker neuralgi, er målet ditt fremover å gjenopprette nervesystemet. Det handler om å gjøre alt i din makt for å styrke og styrke det, og dette kan gjøres!
Vi trenger å oppbygge nervesystemet.
4 punkter
• Nevrotoksiner fra herpetic virus, EBV, Helvetesild etc. inkludert HHV1 og HHV2
• MSG finnes veldig mange steder, inkludert helsekostbutikk. Skjult som naturlige smaker (Natural flavors) aroma etc. Alle vet at MSG er skadelig. Det ødelegger / forårsaker lesjoner i hjernen og bryter ned nervesystemet. 1998-2006, hadde folk virkelig gjort en innsats for å fjerne MSG, men det snudde seg tilbake til en "naturlig" mat med et nytt navn og er her mer enn noen gang tidligere i historien. Protein shakes er fulle med MSG. Det forårsaker lesjoner i
hjernen. MSG er ofte forkledd i produkter med andre navn som:
glutamat, hydrolysert, autolysert, protease, karragen, maltodekstrin, natriumkaseinat, balsamico eddik, byggmalt, maltekstrakt, gjærekstrakt, ølgjær, næringsgjær, maisstivelse, hvetestivelse, modifisert matstivelse, gelatin, strukturerte proteiner, myseproteiner, soyaproteiner, soyasaus, buljong eller kjøttkraft, og alle smaksstoffer eller smakstilsetninger
• Oksiderende og giftige tungmetaller - kvikksølv er den ultimative onde demonen, men også; aluminium, bly, arsenikk og kobber. Disse metaller skaper problemer bl.a. i hjernen hvor metaller oksiderer og kortslutter nevrotransmittere (Nervesignalene som løper gjennom nevronene / nervene)
• Aspartam (unngå cola light etc.) forårsaker små anfall i hjernen..., dreper nevroner
• Mugg
• Stress - kan til og med utløse angst. Stress er en stor belasting på nervesystemet.
Noen av plagene som kommer innen kategorien nevrologiske plager vil av legevitenskapen kalles autoimmun sykdom, hvor legevitenskapen tror eller sier at kroppen angriper seg selv. Dette er ikke tilfellet. Kroppen vil aldri angripe seg selv. Den gjør alt hva den kan for å beskytte deg. Ulike mennesker vil ha forskjellige utløsere.
Det er viktig å forstå hva hjernen og nervesystemet trenger. Trenden av "hjernen går på fett" er ikke helt korrekt. Ting som kaffe og smør hjelper ikke folk å helbrede nervesystemet. Hjernen og nervene går på glukose og mineralsalter. Vitenskapen oppdaget egentlig at hjernen fungerer på sukker for lenge siden.
Hvis du har nevrologiske problemer, må fruktsukker og vegetabilsk karbohydrater være i
dietten. Fruktsukkeret virker beskyttende og oppbyggende for nervene. Og mineralsalter fra salte grønnsaker som stangselleri, men også fra spinat bl.a. gir nødvendige byggesteiner til nevrotransmittere som er de viktige nerve signalstoffene som løper gjennom nevronene. Ville blåbær er nødvendige, de har sukkerarter som har medisin i dem. Du kan ikke helbrede nervesystemet med bare grønnsaker.
1. Stangselleri
2. Spinat er fylt med mineralsalter
3. Salat (alle slags), særlig bladsalat.
4. Oliven eller litt olivenolje. Oliven har også sukker i dem som hjernen bruker.
5. Dulse / tang
Sunt sukker:
1. Bananer for nevrotransmittere.
2. Papaya - Papaya kan gjenopprette deg fra de verste nevrologiske forhold. I riktig
mengde med riktig greens og grønnsaker kan folk komme tilbake fra krisetilstander.
3. Ville blåbær - Viktig, de hjelper å gjenoppretter hjernevev
4. Bringebær og bjørnebær
5. Søtpoteter og yams
6. Vanlig potet (uten smør) er perfekt.
1. Brennesle
2. Sitronmelisse
(Kan også ta tinktur kosttilskudd av disse)
1. B12 med adenosyl og metyl cobalamin . Adenosyl cobalamin gjenoppretter nervesystemet.
2. B-kompleks
3. PharmaGABA er fantastisk for nervesystemet.
4. Bygg gress juice ekstrakt - naturlig natrium som gjenoppbygger en nevrotransmitter. Kan få migrene å gå bort.
5. Kalsium / magnesium
NB! Denne informasjonen må ikke brukes som en erstatning for vanlig naturlig oppfølging med lege og helsevesen ved sykdom og helseproblemer.
Nedenfor følger en innholdsrik oversikt over Anthony William anbefalt mat og urter for ulike nevrologiske plager (på engelsk):
(Bruk evt. Ctrl+F for å få opp søkeboks og søk etter det som er aktuelt for deg.)
Informasjonen er hentet fra ulike kilder. LCF = Life Changing Foods, RS = Radio Shows, TH = Thyroid Healing, OMMS = Other Medical Medium Sources
Følgende er beskrevet nedenfor:
Nervous System Conditions General
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Alzheimer’s disease
Bell’s palsy
Body humming or vibration
Brain fog & confusion:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:.
Chest pain or tightness:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):
Chronic Nerve Pain:
Dizziness and vertigo:
Ear, jaw, or neck pain:.
Epilepsy / seizures:.
Frozen shoulder:..
Hot Flashes:
Migraines / Headaches: ..
Motion sickness:
Parkinson’s disease: ..
Restless Leg Syndrome:
Tics and Spasms:..
Tingles & numbness:
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears):
Tourette’s Syndrome:.
Trigeminal neuralgia:
Nervous System Conditions General
Ashwagandha (excellent for improving brain and neurotransmitter function); Bananas (provide lots of amino acids and the right kind of potassium that help re-build neurotransmitters); Borage (calms the CNS). Cherries (excellent food to fight neurological conditions); Chia seeds (a great “brain food” known to help improve memory, sharpen focus and concentration skills, and reduce brain fog and forgetfulness); Chicory (anti-inflammatory properties highly beneficial for the NS); Chives (contain nutritional compounds vital for neurological health); Chrysanthemum tea (calms down the NS); Coconut (boosts memory and cognitive function); Collard greens (rich in vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids which are very important for neurological disorders especially those affecting the brain); Currants (contain GLA which is especially beneficial for brain function); Gotu Kola (one of the premier herbs for neurological disorders); Grapes (protect against degenerative nerve diseases); Green peas (ideal food for brain health); Horsetail (great due to its high Si content to help strengthen the connective tissues of the brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord); Kale (protects against neurological disorders); Lemons and limes (balance sodium levels in the blood, which allows for electrolytes to become active improving neurotransmitter activity); Mamey (calms the nervous system) ; Maple syrup (holds dozens of trace minerals that fortify the brain and the rest of the CNS, protecting them from oxidation due to heavy metal damage and viral neurotoxins. Helps to build glycogen storage banks in the liver and brain to help balance blood sugar); Oat Straw (strengthens nerve sheaths); Onions (have valuable sulfur compounds that significantly strengthen the brain and NS); Parsnip (folate content supports NS); Pecans (nature’s richest sources of vitamin B-6 strengthen NS); Pistachios (incredibly nourishing for the NS); Pomegranates (increase cognitive function and memory recall); Potatoes (excellent source of B6 vital for the NS and its neurotransmitters); Pumpkin seeds (enhance GABA activity reducing anxiety and neurological disorders); Raspberries (balance the NS); Reishi (very good for calming the NS); Romaine (contains sedative compounds that relax the nerves); Sesame seeds (nourish the NS); Skullcap (healing tonic for the CNS); Sprouts (bolster neurological system with a most balanced and complete form of amino acids, keep it strong and stable); Sunflower sprouts (contain ideal protein for the NS in the body); Sweet potatoes (steady nerves); Thyme (its ability to cross the blood- brain barrier makes it a secret weapon against viruses that have started to attack the brain or spinal cord, resulting in neurological conditions. Its carvacrol component is an excellent natural tranquilizer and has a tonic effect on the entire nervous
system); Valerian (tremendous benefit to the CNS); Vanilla bean (has a calming effect in the CNS); Walnuts (calm the CNS); Winter squash (contains vital nutrients for a healthy and strong NS); Wild blueberries (help restore the CNS and help remove toxic heavy metals from the brain. They stop a shrinking brain)
From [LCF & RS]: Cherries (phytochemical compounds amazing for repairing myelin nerve damage), figs (have unique phytochemicals bonded to bioavailable potassium and sodium that specifically nourish and build neurotransmitters; support neurons and synapses), mangoes (their phytochemicals, amino acids, fructose, & glucose, go to the brain and quickly restore depleted neurotransmitters; their highly bioavailable trace magnesium coupled with phytochemical phenolic acids calm the CNS), melons (the high electrolyte content protects the brain and the rest of the NS), Cucumbers (their glycine, glutamine, trace minerals, and enzymatic content make them an ideal neurotransmitter food), Leafy greens (contain precious and vital mineral salts of sodium and trace bioavailable minerals critical to neurotransmitter and neuron support), hemp seeds (its traces of omega-3 and other rare omegas - not known to science – are what the real fats the brain uses/needs), hemp oil (beneficial for the brain)
From [TH]: Cilantro (binds onto EB-V neurotoxins that when loose can cause tingles and numbness, aches and pains, inflammation, depression, and anxiety); Coconut (supports the CNS from exposure to EB-V neurotoxins); Ginger (has ability to bring body out of a reactive state soothing nerves and muscles); Lemons & limes (improve neurotransmitter activity that has been hampered by EB-V neurotoxins causing neurological symptoms); Maple syrup (has dozens of trace minerals that fortify the brain and CNS protecting them from heavy metal oxidation and neurotoxin damage); Papayas (restore CNS from neurotoxin damage); Spinach (provides highly absorbable micronutrients to the CNS); Squash (provides easily assimilable glucose for the brain and CNS to heal inflamed nerves); Wild blueberries (restore the CNS and remove heavy metals from the brain); Bananas (high in tryptophan and fructose that soothe neurotransmitters, when combined with 5-HTP activate the supplement allowing higher bioavaibility; Spinach (contains mineral salts that feed neurotransmitters, combined with glycine supplementation enhance its absorbability strengthening neurotransmitter performance); Celery (high in mineral salts, combined with GABA or Mg L-threonate, enhance their absorption in the brain and aid neurotransmitter performance); Bananas + dulse flakes (their iodine, potassium and sodium combined strengthen the entire ES and CNS against neurotoxins and their ill effects)
From [RS]: Oranges (their calcium supports the brain, and neurotransmitters); Butter lettuce (has rare omega-3 components essential for the brain); Wild blueberries (most powerful antioxidant for the brain prevent shrink or swell); Celery juice (medicine for the brain with undiscovered mineral salt compositions); Cucumber (juice helps remove DDT and radiation from the brain); Walnuts (have omega-3 that helps the brain); Hemp seeds (have omega-3 that helps the brain); Parsley (removes pesticides and MSG from the brain); HMD smoothie (help remove heavy metals out of the brain);
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS):
Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, blackberries, figs (powerful for preventing), raspberries, oranges, melons, kale, spinach, celery, sweet potatoes, potatoes (muscles feed on carbs), bananas, lentils, black beans, quinoa, chaga mushroom, aloe vera, barley grass, wheatgrass, gingko leaf, lemon balom, turmeric, dandelion, milk thistle.
Alzheimer’s disease:
Apples (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Brussel sprouts (beneficial); California poppy (sedative properties); Cat’s claw (has memory enhancing glycosides: proanthocyanidins and beta sitosterol); Cauliflower (excellent anti-inflammatory properties); Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD); Chia seeds (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Chives (prevent); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Grapes (protect against); Honeydew (reduces risk); Leafy greens (help heal); Lemon Balm tea (terpene compound helps relieve); Mustard greens (essential for); Pecans (beneficial); Periwinkle (vasodilating, blood thinning, and memory enhancing properties make it excellent for); Pomegranates (offer protection from); Purslane (beneficial); Red cabbage (reduces buildup of plaque in the brain that can lead to); Sage (powerful protection against); Swiss chard (particularly beneficial); Turmeric (prevents)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, avocados, bananas, berries, cherries (protect the brain from), figs (powerful for preventing), mangoes, pomegranates, sprouts, cilantro, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, coconut, raw honey.
Bell’s palsy:
Borage (calms the CNS); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Walnuts (beneficial)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, grapes, mangoes, papayas, oranges & tangerines, celery, leafy greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, cat's claw, ginger, lemon balm, licorice root, sea vegetables, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut.
Body humming or vibration:
Berries (beneficial)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, grapes, oranges & tangerines, radishes, burdock root.
Brain fog & confusion:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Bell peppers (help reduce); Berries (beneficial); Brussel sprouts (beneficial); Cherries (reduce); Chia seeds (reduce); Siberian Ginseng (excellent for); Gotu Kola (reduces); Leafy greens (aid with); Mustard greens (essential for); Nasturtium (prevents due to its high sulfur content); Oat Straw (reduces); Papaya (wonderful aid); Potatoes (particularly beneficial); Radishes (reduce)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, apples, apricots, berries, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, melons, papayas, pomegranates, celery juice (resolves ammonia permeability which causes brain fog; mineral salts support electrical impulse activity and neuron function), leafy greens, potatoes, radishes, sprouts and microgreens, cat’s claw, cilantro, ginger, licorice, sea veggies, coconut.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, cranberries, oranges & tangerines, artichokes, turmeric, Chaga, coconut.
From [OMMS]: Rose hips.
Chest pain or tightness:
Berries (beneficial);
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, berries, leafy greens, radishes, garlic.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):
Amla (treats), apricots (beneficial); ashwagandha (beneficial); bananas (contain protease inhibitors which can help stop viruses); Barley grass (beneficial); Cat’s claw (particularly beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Chaga mushroom (ideal choice); Cherries (beneficial potent anti-inflammatory), Chia seeds (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Chives (especially beneficial); Cilantro (very helpful); Cinnamon (beneficial); Coconut water (beneficial); Collard greens (ideal because of anti-inflammatory properties); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Cucumber juice (anti-inflammatory benefits); Garlic (vital anti-inflammatory properties); Siberian Ginseng (excellent for); Green beans (contain anti-inflammatory compounds); Honeysuckle tea (particularly good due to its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties); Hops (good due to powerful
anti-inflammatory properties); Kale (significantly beneficial); Kiwis (beneficial due to their anti- inflammatory properties); Leafy greens (help heal); Lemon Balm (highly beneficial); Lomatium (very beneficial); Milk thistle (highly beneficial); Mustard greens (very beneficial); Nutmeg oil (helps overcome); Olive Leaf (beneficial); Oranges (particularly beneficial); Papaya (provides significant relief); Pears (perfect for); Plums (excellent for); Pomegranates (highly beneficial); Purslane (ideal food due to anti-inflammatory properties); Raspberries (particularly beneficial); Reishi (has anti-inflammatory properties essential for); Rosemary (ideal due to power anti-inflammatory caffeic and rosmarinic acids); Sarsaparilla (effective for); Shiitake mushrooms (beneficial); Strawberries (essential food due to high levels of phenols); Swiss chard (ideal food due to anti-inflammatory properties); Turmeric (significantly helps)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apricots, avocados, berries, grapes, mangos, oranges and tangerines, papayas, asparagus, celery, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme, cilantro, licorice root, turmeric, burdock root, chaga mushroom, rose hips.
From [TH]: Lemons & limes (improve neurotransmitter activity that has been hampered by EB-V
Chronic Nerve Pain:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); California poppy (phenomenal natural pain reliever safe alternative to prescription medication); Cayenne pepper (provides relief); Cloves (excellent for relieving); Pau D’Arco (provides pain relief); Radishes (reduce)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, berries, artichokes, cucumbers, onions, sprouts, aromatic herbs, garlic, licorice, parsley, sea veggies, chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Asparagus (contain pain-relieving alkaloid that acts as a gentle aspirin throughout the body)
Dizziness and vertigo:
Berries (beneficial); Cardamom (highly beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial); Chives (especially beneficial); Ginger (prevents); Lavender (relieves); Lemon Balm (highly beneficial); Pears (perfect for); Periwinkle (highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Plums (excellent for); Potatoes (prevent); Rose hips (prevent); Selfheal tea (provides relief); Sweet violet (eases)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, asparagus, cilantro, lemon balm, licorice.
Ear, jaw, or neck pain:
Berries (beneficial); California poppy (phenomenal natural pain reliever safe alternative to prescription medication)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, oranges & tangerines, leafy greens, onions, aromatic
herbs, cat’s claw, cilantro, licorice, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut.
Epilepsy / seizures:
Coconut water (beneficial, prevents); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Sarsaparilla (beneficial); Skullcap
(particularly beneficial for relieving); Valerian (beneficial in reducing seizure activity)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, kiwis, mangoes (stave off), melons, cat's claw, sea vegetables, coconut, rose hips.
Frozen shoulder:
Berries (beneficial); Cherries (beneficial potent anti-inflammatory)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, mangoes, papayas, pomegranates, celery, potatoes, radishes, cat's claw, lemon balm, licorice root, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut, rose hips.
Hot Flashes:
Amla (has a natural cooling effect on the body and can help to regulate body temperature and fluctuations); Berries (beneficial); Blackberries (their phytoestrogens relieve estrogen related symptoms); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Dong Quai (prevents); Hops (provide relief due to estrogenic properties)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries (they shut down this condition because they clean up the toxic liver and chelate the thyroid from toxins, and also support the adrenals), berries, grapes, oranges & tangerines, cruciferous veggies, cucumber, onions, sprouts, sweet potatoes, cilantro, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, raw honey, rose hips.
Migraines / Headaches:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Barley grass (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Cashews (reduce frequency); cayenne pepper (relief); Celery (prevents); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Chamomile (reduces pain); Cloves (excellent for relieving); Coconut water (beneficial); Cucumber juice (anti-inflammatory benefits); Dong Quai (highly beneficial); Ginger (alleviates); Grapes (provide relief); Honeysuckle tea (highly beneficial); Hops (particularly beneficial); Lavender (relieves); Lemon Balm tea (terpene compound helps relieve); Linden flower tea (helps alleviate); Mamey (alleviate); Meadowsweet (its salicylic acid provides pain relief); Milk thistle (beneficial); Mint tea (excellent in helping); Mullein (helps relieve); Mustard seeds (reduce frequency); Nettle leaves (prevent); Periwinkle (highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Red root (highly
beneficial); Rose petals (soothe); Rosemary (very useful for); Sapodilla (prevents); Self heal tea (provides relief); Sesame seeds (eases); Skullcap (excellent for); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving); Spearmint (provides relief); Sweet violet (eases); Thyme (eases); Valerian (especially beneficial); Vanilla bean (decreases)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, cranberries, lemons & limes, papayas, pears, asparagus, celery (hydrates at a deep cellular level lessening chances of), cruciferous vegetables,
cucumbers, leafy greens, onions, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cat's claw, cilantro, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, licorice, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, burdock root, chaga mushroom, coconut, dandelion. Celery juice (raises HCl to control ammonia permeability trigger), Cucumber juice (cools down the brain and great to control hydration and electrolyte triggers), Melons of all types (their phytochemicals are amazing electrolyte sources that calm condition down), Bananas (high in tryptophan and potassium are amazing to stop condition), Spinach (mineral salts in leaves’ stems get glial cells and neurons functioning, thus electrical impulses in brain), Lettuce (very soothing not just for condition but to control triggers), Cilantro (to help with heavy metal trigger), Ginger – freshly grated in water + raw honey (great to relax the body controlling stress trigger), Barley grass juice powder (it alone can stop a migraine), Raspberry leaf tea (great for menstrual cycle related migraines), Peppermint tea (calms down nerves to control stress trigger), Turmeric (pain reliever that makes a difference when in the body all the time)
From [RS]: Lemon water (for hydration and to flush out the liver every single morning); Celery juice (its mineral cluster salts are used by the IS as a shield and deflector against viruses and bacteria); Cucumber juice (critical to drop migraines substantially when used consistently); Turmeric (shots even with ginger), Ginger (not just a tea but added to any healthy juice), HMD smoothie; Lemon balm (to get rid of viruses and bacteria including old strep in the sinus cavities causing headaches). Any kind of herbal tea: Rose- hips, Hyssop, red clover (can sometimes take the edge off migraines because it cleans and thins the blood a little bit). Cat’s claw (because of controlling bacteria and viruses).
Motion sickness:
Ginger (prevents)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, oranges & tangerines, papayas, pomegranates, asparagus, cruciferous vegetables, cucumbers, leafy greens, onions, sprouts, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cat's claw, cilantro, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, parsley, turmeric, aloe vera, chaga mushroom, coconut, nettle leaf, red clover.
Parkinson’s disease:
Apples (beneficial); bananas (contain protease inhibitors which can help stop viruses); Borage (calms the CNS); Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Coconut water (beneficial); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Milk thistle (beneficial); Pau D’Arco (highly beneficial); Pecans (beneficial); Sage (powerful protection against); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, figs (powerful for preventing), mangoes, melons, asparagus, radishes, cilantro, garlic, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, coconuts.
Restless Leg Syndrome:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Strawberries (essential food due to high levels of phenols)
From [OMMS]: Celery juice, wild blueberries, cilantro, spirulina, dulse, barley grass juice powder, chaga mushroom, onions, potatoes, cat's claw, bacopa, licorice root, mangoes.
Dong Quai (highly beneficial); Elderberry juice (alleviates pain); Lemon Verbena (highly beneficial); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, avocados, figs, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cilantro, licorice, turmeric, aloe vera, chaga mushrooms, coconut.
Tics and Spasms:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Berries (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Cardamon (highly beneficial); Elderberry juice (relieves spasms and tics); Ginger (has the ability to bring the body out of a reactive state by soothing nerves and muscles); Lemon Verbena (highly beneficial); Red root (effective antispasmodic); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, dates, cat’s claw, licorice, sea veggies, apricots, berries, kiwis, mangoes, asparagus, celery, leafy greens, onions, potatoes, sprouts, sweet potatoes, aromatic herbs, cilantro, garlic, ginger, parsley, turmeric, Chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Ginger (relieves spasms associated with EB-V and stress)
Tingles & numbness:
Berries (beneficial); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Gotu Kola (effective for)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, avocados, bananas, berries, oranges & tangerines, papaya, asparagus, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, sprouts, aromatic herbs, cat’s claw, cilantro, garlic, licorice, parsley, sea veggies, chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Cilantro (binds onto EB-V neurotoxins that when loose can cause tingles and numbness, aches and pains, inflammation, depression, and anxiety);
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears):
Berries (beneficial); Cardamon (highly beneficial); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Periwinkle
(highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Potatoes (prevent); Radishes (help reduce). From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme.
Tourette’s Syndrome:
Cilantro (highly beneficial), Gotu Kola (premier herb for neurological disorders)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, berries, bananas, papayas, leafy greens, lemon balm, HMD smoothie
(this is critical)
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Gotu Kola (very beneficial)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, cranberries, dates, grapes, lemons & limes, melons, onions, cat’s claw,
parsley, sea veggies.
Trigeminal neuralgia:
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, avocados, figs, pomegranates, cucumbers, cilantro.
From [RS]: Potatoes, mullein leaf, propolis, lemon balm, licorice root, Chaga powder, Pau D'arco,
turmeric, cat's claw, spirulina.
Jeg vil sterkt anbefale å lese boken "Medisinsk klarsynt - Om sannheten om sykdom og helbredelse" av Anthony William, der han forklarer hva som ligger bak mange av disse ukjente sykdommene og hvordan man kan hjelpe seg ved hjelp av riktig diett og kosttilskudd. Mer informasjon om Anthony William på
Jeg vil her dele kort noe av det Anthony William forteller om Nevrologiske plager og symptomer, hva som ligger bak dette og hvordan man kan hjelpe seg selv i møte med dette. Veldig mye er hentet fra hans radio show som du finner her:
Nederst på denne siden følger en innholdsrik oversikt over Anthony William anbefalt mat og urter for ulike nevrologiske plager (dette på engelsk)(Bruk evt. Ctrl+F for å få opp søkeboks og søk etter det som er aktuelt for deg, men bruk da engelske ord her.
Hvis du lider av et følsomt sentralnervesystem, neuropati, prikking og nummenhet i hender og føtter, summing i ørene, ufrivillige skjelvinger / rystelser (tremor), kjemiske følsomheter, tretthet eller hjerne tåke, kan dette skyldes nevrologiske plager og det kan være fint å gi ditt nervesystem litt hjelp.
Anthony William forteller om årsakene til nevrologiske symptomer og hvordan du begynner å helbrede.
Å vite hva som foregår, er halve kampen for å få fred. Kunnskapen om nevrologisk tretthet begynner å bli mer kjent der ute. Noen ganger blir det feildiagnostisert som bindevevs plager. Nervesystemet trenger litt hjelp i dagens verden; og nerveplager forårsaker mye mystisk sykdom. Vi må ha medfølelse i hjertet vårt fordi det er mye vondt der nevrologiske problemer og mystisk sykdom er involvert. Folk har lidd så mye. Sentralnervesystem plager og symptomer er forvirrende og irriterende når vi har å gjøre med sykdom.
Symptomer (og hva som ligger bak):
• Nervespasmer, muskelspasmer: musklene gjør ikke teknisk krampe, er det en nerve i
den muskelen som skaper spasmer, rykninger
• Svimmelhet / vertigo/ som å være på en båt…: Det er vagus nerven som blir irritert av Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
• smerter i nakke: Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Merkelig gnag i mage og tarmkanalen: disse tarmproblemer kan være nevrologiske. Noen kan føle at maten går ned gjennom hele tarmen: det som skjer er at tusenvis av nerver som kommer fra bunnen av vagus og phrenic nervene og går fra ryggraden til tarmkanalen. De tror de ikke kan fordøye, men det er nevrologisk. Kan være tilfelle ved Irritabel tarm (IBS) eller angst.
• Flutterende hjerte kan være nevrologisk fra vagus nerven.
• Kan ikke svelge godt eller ta dypt pust. Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Prikking og nummenhet i hender og føtter. Nummenhet på ulike deler av kroppen. Kalde hender og kalde føtter - nervefølelser kan forveksles med sirkulasjonsproblemer.
• Tinnitus, humming eller summing i ørene.
• Tunghet - føtter eller ben kan føles tunge som bly..., hode, hele kroppen kan slite med nevrologisk tretthet.
• Tremor og risting. Dette kan være nevrologisk.
• Fibromyalgi - alt gjør vondt, vondt og vondt som kommer fra EBV.
• Neuropati
• Kjeve smerte / tannkjøtt smerte
• Glemsomhet, feilplasserte ord, føler seg forvirret uten god grunn, blir lett skremt, hjernefeil, føler seg frakoblet
• Angst : Er typisk relatert til et følsomt nervesystem
• Depresjon
• Kjemiske følsomheter er nevrologisk følsomhet
Når man opplever nevrologisk tretthet slik som ME så er dette forskjellig fra binyretretthet. Hvis det føles som en kamp for å tvinge bena til å gå, og hodet føles tungt og tåket, eller bare det å krype ut av sengen og stå opp synes umulig eller vanskelig, da kan du oppleve nevrologisk tretthet som kan komme med Epstein-Barr-virus og er en alvorlig type kronisk tretthet. Ikke alle tilfeller av nevrologiske tretthet er imidlertid så alvorlige. Noen kan oppleve mildere symptomer av nevrologisk tretthet også.
Noen ganger merkes "nevropati" når en utøver ikke er helt sikker på hva som er galt, men vet at det er relatert til nerveproblemer. Leger diagnostiserer en del pasienter med diabetisk nevropati, men Anthony William forteller at nevropati er ikke en komplikasjon av diabetes, det er et resultat av helvetesildviruset som betenner nerver av ekstremiteter som føttene. AW har kalt denne tilstanden Neuralgic Shingles og forteller om det i boken Medical Medium. Når noen opplever nerveproblemer i form av tannkjøttsmerter, kjeve smerter kan de bli diagnostisert med neuralgia, disse smertene skyldes også helvetesild viruset forteller AW.
En stor rekke nevrologiske problemer er forårsaket av Epstein-Barr, helvedesild og dets mange stammer som ennå ikke er oppdaget. Enten du har Epstein-Barr som forårsaker fibromyalgi eller helvetesild forårsaker neuralgi, er målet ditt fremover å gjenopprette nervesystemet. Det handler om å gjøre alt i din makt for å styrke og styrke det, og dette kan gjøres!
Vi trenger å oppbygge nervesystemet.
4 punkter
- Unngå utløsere
- Få i deg mineralsalter
- Få i deg sunt sukker fra sunne naturlige kilder / glukose
- Støttende kosttilskudd
• Nevrotoksiner fra herpetic virus, EBV, Helvetesild etc. inkludert HHV1 og HHV2
• MSG finnes veldig mange steder, inkludert helsekostbutikk. Skjult som naturlige smaker (Natural flavors) aroma etc. Alle vet at MSG er skadelig. Det ødelegger / forårsaker lesjoner i hjernen og bryter ned nervesystemet. 1998-2006, hadde folk virkelig gjort en innsats for å fjerne MSG, men det snudde seg tilbake til en "naturlig" mat med et nytt navn og er her mer enn noen gang tidligere i historien. Protein shakes er fulle med MSG. Det forårsaker lesjoner i
hjernen. MSG er ofte forkledd i produkter med andre navn som:
glutamat, hydrolysert, autolysert, protease, karragen, maltodekstrin, natriumkaseinat, balsamico eddik, byggmalt, maltekstrakt, gjærekstrakt, ølgjær, næringsgjær, maisstivelse, hvetestivelse, modifisert matstivelse, gelatin, strukturerte proteiner, myseproteiner, soyaproteiner, soyasaus, buljong eller kjøttkraft, og alle smaksstoffer eller smakstilsetninger
• Oksiderende og giftige tungmetaller - kvikksølv er den ultimative onde demonen, men også; aluminium, bly, arsenikk og kobber. Disse metaller skaper problemer bl.a. i hjernen hvor metaller oksiderer og kortslutter nevrotransmittere (Nervesignalene som løper gjennom nevronene / nervene)
• Aspartam (unngå cola light etc.) forårsaker små anfall i hjernen..., dreper nevroner
• Mugg
• Stress - kan til og med utløse angst. Stress er en stor belasting på nervesystemet.
Noen av plagene som kommer innen kategorien nevrologiske plager vil av legevitenskapen kalles autoimmun sykdom, hvor legevitenskapen tror eller sier at kroppen angriper seg selv. Dette er ikke tilfellet. Kroppen vil aldri angripe seg selv. Den gjør alt hva den kan for å beskytte deg. Ulike mennesker vil ha forskjellige utløsere.
Det er viktig å forstå hva hjernen og nervesystemet trenger. Trenden av "hjernen går på fett" er ikke helt korrekt. Ting som kaffe og smør hjelper ikke folk å helbrede nervesystemet. Hjernen og nervene går på glukose og mineralsalter. Vitenskapen oppdaget egentlig at hjernen fungerer på sukker for lenge siden.
Hvis du har nevrologiske problemer, må fruktsukker og vegetabilsk karbohydrater være i
dietten. Fruktsukkeret virker beskyttende og oppbyggende for nervene. Og mineralsalter fra salte grønnsaker som stangselleri, men også fra spinat bl.a. gir nødvendige byggesteiner til nevrotransmittere som er de viktige nerve signalstoffene som løper gjennom nevronene. Ville blåbær er nødvendige, de har sukkerarter som har medisin i dem. Du kan ikke helbrede nervesystemet med bare grønnsaker.
1. Stangselleri
2. Spinat er fylt med mineralsalter
3. Salat (alle slags), særlig bladsalat.
4. Oliven eller litt olivenolje. Oliven har også sukker i dem som hjernen bruker.
5. Dulse / tang
Sunt sukker:
1. Bananer for nevrotransmittere.
2. Papaya - Papaya kan gjenopprette deg fra de verste nevrologiske forhold. I riktig
mengde med riktig greens og grønnsaker kan folk komme tilbake fra krisetilstander.
3. Ville blåbær - Viktig, de hjelper å gjenoppretter hjernevev
4. Bringebær og bjørnebær
5. Søtpoteter og yams
6. Vanlig potet (uten smør) er perfekt.
1. Brennesle
2. Sitronmelisse
(Kan også ta tinktur kosttilskudd av disse)
1. B12 med adenosyl og metyl cobalamin . Adenosyl cobalamin gjenoppretter nervesystemet.
2. B-kompleks
3. PharmaGABA er fantastisk for nervesystemet.
4. Bygg gress juice ekstrakt - naturlig natrium som gjenoppbygger en nevrotransmitter. Kan få migrene å gå bort.
5. Kalsium / magnesium
NB! Denne informasjonen må ikke brukes som en erstatning for vanlig naturlig oppfølging med lege og helsevesen ved sykdom og helseproblemer.
Nedenfor følger en innholdsrik oversikt over Anthony William anbefalt mat og urter for ulike nevrologiske plager (på engelsk):
(Bruk evt. Ctrl+F for å få opp søkeboks og søk etter det som er aktuelt for deg.)
Informasjonen er hentet fra ulike kilder. LCF = Life Changing Foods, RS = Radio Shows, TH = Thyroid Healing, OMMS = Other Medical Medium Sources
Følgende er beskrevet nedenfor:
Nervous System Conditions General
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Alzheimer’s disease
Bell’s palsy
Body humming or vibration
Brain fog & confusion:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:.
Chest pain or tightness:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):
Chronic Nerve Pain:
Dizziness and vertigo:
Ear, jaw, or neck pain:.
Epilepsy / seizures:.
Frozen shoulder:..
Hot Flashes:
Migraines / Headaches: ..
Motion sickness:
Parkinson’s disease: ..
Restless Leg Syndrome:
Tics and Spasms:..
Tingles & numbness:
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears):
Tourette’s Syndrome:.
Trigeminal neuralgia:
Nervous System Conditions General
Ashwagandha (excellent for improving brain and neurotransmitter function); Bananas (provide lots of amino acids and the right kind of potassium that help re-build neurotransmitters); Borage (calms the CNS). Cherries (excellent food to fight neurological conditions); Chia seeds (a great “brain food” known to help improve memory, sharpen focus and concentration skills, and reduce brain fog and forgetfulness); Chicory (anti-inflammatory properties highly beneficial for the NS); Chives (contain nutritional compounds vital for neurological health); Chrysanthemum tea (calms down the NS); Coconut (boosts memory and cognitive function); Collard greens (rich in vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids which are very important for neurological disorders especially those affecting the brain); Currants (contain GLA which is especially beneficial for brain function); Gotu Kola (one of the premier herbs for neurological disorders); Grapes (protect against degenerative nerve diseases); Green peas (ideal food for brain health); Horsetail (great due to its high Si content to help strengthen the connective tissues of the brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord); Kale (protects against neurological disorders); Lemons and limes (balance sodium levels in the blood, which allows for electrolytes to become active improving neurotransmitter activity); Mamey (calms the nervous system) ; Maple syrup (holds dozens of trace minerals that fortify the brain and the rest of the CNS, protecting them from oxidation due to heavy metal damage and viral neurotoxins. Helps to build glycogen storage banks in the liver and brain to help balance blood sugar); Oat Straw (strengthens nerve sheaths); Onions (have valuable sulfur compounds that significantly strengthen the brain and NS); Parsnip (folate content supports NS); Pecans (nature’s richest sources of vitamin B-6 strengthen NS); Pistachios (incredibly nourishing for the NS); Pomegranates (increase cognitive function and memory recall); Potatoes (excellent source of B6 vital for the NS and its neurotransmitters); Pumpkin seeds (enhance GABA activity reducing anxiety and neurological disorders); Raspberries (balance the NS); Reishi (very good for calming the NS); Romaine (contains sedative compounds that relax the nerves); Sesame seeds (nourish the NS); Skullcap (healing tonic for the CNS); Sprouts (bolster neurological system with a most balanced and complete form of amino acids, keep it strong and stable); Sunflower sprouts (contain ideal protein for the NS in the body); Sweet potatoes (steady nerves); Thyme (its ability to cross the blood- brain barrier makes it a secret weapon against viruses that have started to attack the brain or spinal cord, resulting in neurological conditions. Its carvacrol component is an excellent natural tranquilizer and has a tonic effect on the entire nervous
system); Valerian (tremendous benefit to the CNS); Vanilla bean (has a calming effect in the CNS); Walnuts (calm the CNS); Winter squash (contains vital nutrients for a healthy and strong NS); Wild blueberries (help restore the CNS and help remove toxic heavy metals from the brain. They stop a shrinking brain)
From [LCF & RS]: Cherries (phytochemical compounds amazing for repairing myelin nerve damage), figs (have unique phytochemicals bonded to bioavailable potassium and sodium that specifically nourish and build neurotransmitters; support neurons and synapses), mangoes (their phytochemicals, amino acids, fructose, & glucose, go to the brain and quickly restore depleted neurotransmitters; their highly bioavailable trace magnesium coupled with phytochemical phenolic acids calm the CNS), melons (the high electrolyte content protects the brain and the rest of the NS), Cucumbers (their glycine, glutamine, trace minerals, and enzymatic content make them an ideal neurotransmitter food), Leafy greens (contain precious and vital mineral salts of sodium and trace bioavailable minerals critical to neurotransmitter and neuron support), hemp seeds (its traces of omega-3 and other rare omegas - not known to science – are what the real fats the brain uses/needs), hemp oil (beneficial for the brain)
From [TH]: Cilantro (binds onto EB-V neurotoxins that when loose can cause tingles and numbness, aches and pains, inflammation, depression, and anxiety); Coconut (supports the CNS from exposure to EB-V neurotoxins); Ginger (has ability to bring body out of a reactive state soothing nerves and muscles); Lemons & limes (improve neurotransmitter activity that has been hampered by EB-V neurotoxins causing neurological symptoms); Maple syrup (has dozens of trace minerals that fortify the brain and CNS protecting them from heavy metal oxidation and neurotoxin damage); Papayas (restore CNS from neurotoxin damage); Spinach (provides highly absorbable micronutrients to the CNS); Squash (provides easily assimilable glucose for the brain and CNS to heal inflamed nerves); Wild blueberries (restore the CNS and remove heavy metals from the brain); Bananas (high in tryptophan and fructose that soothe neurotransmitters, when combined with 5-HTP activate the supplement allowing higher bioavaibility; Spinach (contains mineral salts that feed neurotransmitters, combined with glycine supplementation enhance its absorbability strengthening neurotransmitter performance); Celery (high in mineral salts, combined with GABA or Mg L-threonate, enhance their absorption in the brain and aid neurotransmitter performance); Bananas + dulse flakes (their iodine, potassium and sodium combined strengthen the entire ES and CNS against neurotoxins and their ill effects)
From [RS]: Oranges (their calcium supports the brain, and neurotransmitters); Butter lettuce (has rare omega-3 components essential for the brain); Wild blueberries (most powerful antioxidant for the brain prevent shrink or swell); Celery juice (medicine for the brain with undiscovered mineral salt compositions); Cucumber (juice helps remove DDT and radiation from the brain); Walnuts (have omega-3 that helps the brain); Hemp seeds (have omega-3 that helps the brain); Parsley (removes pesticides and MSG from the brain); HMD smoothie (help remove heavy metals out of the brain);
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS):
Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, blackberries, figs (powerful for preventing), raspberries, oranges, melons, kale, spinach, celery, sweet potatoes, potatoes (muscles feed on carbs), bananas, lentils, black beans, quinoa, chaga mushroom, aloe vera, barley grass, wheatgrass, gingko leaf, lemon balom, turmeric, dandelion, milk thistle.
Alzheimer’s disease:
Apples (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Brussel sprouts (beneficial); California poppy (sedative properties); Cat’s claw (has memory enhancing glycosides: proanthocyanidins and beta sitosterol); Cauliflower (excellent anti-inflammatory properties); Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD); Chia seeds (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Chives (prevent); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Grapes (protect against); Honeydew (reduces risk); Leafy greens (help heal); Lemon Balm tea (terpene compound helps relieve); Mustard greens (essential for); Pecans (beneficial); Periwinkle (vasodilating, blood thinning, and memory enhancing properties make it excellent for); Pomegranates (offer protection from); Purslane (beneficial); Red cabbage (reduces buildup of plaque in the brain that can lead to); Sage (powerful protection against); Swiss chard (particularly beneficial); Turmeric (prevents)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, avocados, bananas, berries, cherries (protect the brain from), figs (powerful for preventing), mangoes, pomegranates, sprouts, cilantro, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, coconut, raw honey.
Bell’s palsy:
Borage (calms the CNS); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Walnuts (beneficial)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, grapes, mangoes, papayas, oranges & tangerines, celery, leafy greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, cat's claw, ginger, lemon balm, licorice root, sea vegetables, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut.
Body humming or vibration:
Berries (beneficial)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, grapes, oranges & tangerines, radishes, burdock root.
Brain fog & confusion:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Bell peppers (help reduce); Berries (beneficial); Brussel sprouts (beneficial); Cherries (reduce); Chia seeds (reduce); Siberian Ginseng (excellent for); Gotu Kola (reduces); Leafy greens (aid with); Mustard greens (essential for); Nasturtium (prevents due to its high sulfur content); Oat Straw (reduces); Papaya (wonderful aid); Potatoes (particularly beneficial); Radishes (reduce)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, apples, apricots, berries, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, melons, papayas, pomegranates, celery juice (resolves ammonia permeability which causes brain fog; mineral salts support electrical impulse activity and neuron function), leafy greens, potatoes, radishes, sprouts and microgreens, cat’s claw, cilantro, ginger, licorice, sea veggies, coconut.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, cranberries, oranges & tangerines, artichokes, turmeric, Chaga, coconut.
From [OMMS]: Rose hips.
Chest pain or tightness:
Berries (beneficial);
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, berries, leafy greens, radishes, garlic.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):
Amla (treats), apricots (beneficial); ashwagandha (beneficial); bananas (contain protease inhibitors which can help stop viruses); Barley grass (beneficial); Cat’s claw (particularly beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Chaga mushroom (ideal choice); Cherries (beneficial potent anti-inflammatory), Chia seeds (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Chives (especially beneficial); Cilantro (very helpful); Cinnamon (beneficial); Coconut water (beneficial); Collard greens (ideal because of anti-inflammatory properties); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Cucumber juice (anti-inflammatory benefits); Garlic (vital anti-inflammatory properties); Siberian Ginseng (excellent for); Green beans (contain anti-inflammatory compounds); Honeysuckle tea (particularly good due to its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties); Hops (good due to powerful
anti-inflammatory properties); Kale (significantly beneficial); Kiwis (beneficial due to their anti- inflammatory properties); Leafy greens (help heal); Lemon Balm (highly beneficial); Lomatium (very beneficial); Milk thistle (highly beneficial); Mustard greens (very beneficial); Nutmeg oil (helps overcome); Olive Leaf (beneficial); Oranges (particularly beneficial); Papaya (provides significant relief); Pears (perfect for); Plums (excellent for); Pomegranates (highly beneficial); Purslane (ideal food due to anti-inflammatory properties); Raspberries (particularly beneficial); Reishi (has anti-inflammatory properties essential for); Rosemary (ideal due to power anti-inflammatory caffeic and rosmarinic acids); Sarsaparilla (effective for); Shiitake mushrooms (beneficial); Strawberries (essential food due to high levels of phenols); Swiss chard (ideal food due to anti-inflammatory properties); Turmeric (significantly helps)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apricots, avocados, berries, grapes, mangos, oranges and tangerines, papayas, asparagus, celery, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme, cilantro, licorice root, turmeric, burdock root, chaga mushroom, rose hips.
From [TH]: Lemons & limes (improve neurotransmitter activity that has been hampered by EB-V
Chronic Nerve Pain:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); California poppy (phenomenal natural pain reliever safe alternative to prescription medication); Cayenne pepper (provides relief); Cloves (excellent for relieving); Pau D’Arco (provides pain relief); Radishes (reduce)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, berries, artichokes, cucumbers, onions, sprouts, aromatic herbs, garlic, licorice, parsley, sea veggies, chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Asparagus (contain pain-relieving alkaloid that acts as a gentle aspirin throughout the body)
Dizziness and vertigo:
Berries (beneficial); Cardamom (highly beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial); Chives (especially beneficial); Ginger (prevents); Lavender (relieves); Lemon Balm (highly beneficial); Pears (perfect for); Periwinkle (highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Plums (excellent for); Potatoes (prevent); Rose hips (prevent); Selfheal tea (provides relief); Sweet violet (eases)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, asparagus, cilantro, lemon balm, licorice.
Ear, jaw, or neck pain:
Berries (beneficial); California poppy (phenomenal natural pain reliever safe alternative to prescription medication)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, oranges & tangerines, leafy greens, onions, aromatic
herbs, cat’s claw, cilantro, licorice, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut.
Epilepsy / seizures:
Coconut water (beneficial, prevents); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Sarsaparilla (beneficial); Skullcap
(particularly beneficial for relieving); Valerian (beneficial in reducing seizure activity)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, kiwis, mangoes (stave off), melons, cat's claw, sea vegetables, coconut, rose hips.
Frozen shoulder:
Berries (beneficial); Cherries (beneficial potent anti-inflammatory)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, mangoes, papayas, pomegranates, celery, potatoes, radishes, cat's claw, lemon balm, licorice root, turmeric, chaga mushroom, coconut, rose hips.
Hot Flashes:
Amla (has a natural cooling effect on the body and can help to regulate body temperature and fluctuations); Berries (beneficial); Blackberries (their phytoestrogens relieve estrogen related symptoms); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Dong Quai (prevents); Hops (provide relief due to estrogenic properties)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries (they shut down this condition because they clean up the toxic liver and chelate the thyroid from toxins, and also support the adrenals), berries, grapes, oranges & tangerines, cruciferous veggies, cucumber, onions, sprouts, sweet potatoes, cilantro, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, raw honey, rose hips.
Migraines / Headaches:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Barley grass (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Cashews (reduce frequency); cayenne pepper (relief); Celery (prevents); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Chamomile (reduces pain); Cloves (excellent for relieving); Coconut water (beneficial); Cucumber juice (anti-inflammatory benefits); Dong Quai (highly beneficial); Ginger (alleviates); Grapes (provide relief); Honeysuckle tea (highly beneficial); Hops (particularly beneficial); Lavender (relieves); Lemon Balm tea (terpene compound helps relieve); Linden flower tea (helps alleviate); Mamey (alleviate); Meadowsweet (its salicylic acid provides pain relief); Milk thistle (beneficial); Mint tea (excellent in helping); Mullein (helps relieve); Mustard seeds (reduce frequency); Nettle leaves (prevent); Periwinkle (highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Red root (highly
beneficial); Rose petals (soothe); Rosemary (very useful for); Sapodilla (prevents); Self heal tea (provides relief); Sesame seeds (eases); Skullcap (excellent for); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving); Spearmint (provides relief); Sweet violet (eases); Thyme (eases); Valerian (especially beneficial); Vanilla bean (decreases)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, cranberries, lemons & limes, papayas, pears, asparagus, celery (hydrates at a deep cellular level lessening chances of), cruciferous vegetables,
cucumbers, leafy greens, onions, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cat's claw, cilantro, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, licorice, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, burdock root, chaga mushroom, coconut, dandelion. Celery juice (raises HCl to control ammonia permeability trigger), Cucumber juice (cools down the brain and great to control hydration and electrolyte triggers), Melons of all types (their phytochemicals are amazing electrolyte sources that calm condition down), Bananas (high in tryptophan and potassium are amazing to stop condition), Spinach (mineral salts in leaves’ stems get glial cells and neurons functioning, thus electrical impulses in brain), Lettuce (very soothing not just for condition but to control triggers), Cilantro (to help with heavy metal trigger), Ginger – freshly grated in water + raw honey (great to relax the body controlling stress trigger), Barley grass juice powder (it alone can stop a migraine), Raspberry leaf tea (great for menstrual cycle related migraines), Peppermint tea (calms down nerves to control stress trigger), Turmeric (pain reliever that makes a difference when in the body all the time)
From [RS]: Lemon water (for hydration and to flush out the liver every single morning); Celery juice (its mineral cluster salts are used by the IS as a shield and deflector against viruses and bacteria); Cucumber juice (critical to drop migraines substantially when used consistently); Turmeric (shots even with ginger), Ginger (not just a tea but added to any healthy juice), HMD smoothie; Lemon balm (to get rid of viruses and bacteria including old strep in the sinus cavities causing headaches). Any kind of herbal tea: Rose- hips, Hyssop, red clover (can sometimes take the edge off migraines because it cleans and thins the blood a little bit). Cat’s claw (because of controlling bacteria and viruses).
Motion sickness:
Ginger (prevents)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, oranges & tangerines, papayas, pomegranates, asparagus, cruciferous vegetables, cucumbers, leafy greens, onions, sprouts, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cat's claw, cilantro, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, parsley, turmeric, aloe vera, chaga mushroom, coconut, nettle leaf, red clover.
Parkinson’s disease:
Apples (beneficial); bananas (contain protease inhibitors which can help stop viruses); Borage (calms the CNS); Chaga mushroom (highest level of free-radical neutralizing SOD); Cilantro (highly beneficial); Coconut water (beneficial); Crimini mushrooms (powerful anti-inflammatory properties); Gotu Kola (very beneficial); Milk thistle (beneficial); Pau D’Arco (highly beneficial); Pecans (beneficial); Sage (powerful protection against); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, bananas, berries, figs (powerful for preventing), mangoes, melons, asparagus, radishes, cilantro, garlic, parsley, turmeric, sea vegetables, coconuts.
Restless Leg Syndrome:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Celery juice (highly beneficial due to anti-inflammatory properties); Strawberries (essential food due to high levels of phenols)
From [OMMS]: Celery juice, wild blueberries, cilantro, spirulina, dulse, barley grass juice powder, chaga mushroom, onions, potatoes, cat's claw, bacopa, licorice root, mangoes.
Dong Quai (highly beneficial); Elderberry juice (alleviates pain); Lemon Verbena (highly beneficial); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, avocados, figs, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme, cilantro, licorice, turmeric, aloe vera, chaga mushrooms, coconut.
Tics and Spasms:
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Berries (beneficial); Broccoli (beneficial); Cardamon (highly beneficial); Elderberry juice (relieves spasms and tics); Ginger (has the ability to bring the body out of a reactive state by soothing nerves and muscles); Lemon Verbena (highly beneficial); Red root (effective antispasmodic); Skullcap (particularly beneficial for relieving)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, dates, cat’s claw, licorice, sea veggies, apricots, berries, kiwis, mangoes, asparagus, celery, leafy greens, onions, potatoes, sprouts, sweet potatoes, aromatic herbs, cilantro, garlic, ginger, parsley, turmeric, Chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Ginger (relieves spasms associated with EB-V and stress)
Tingles & numbness:
Berries (beneficial); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Gotu Kola (effective for)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, avocados, bananas, berries, oranges & tangerines, papaya, asparagus, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, sprouts, aromatic herbs, cat’s claw, cilantro, garlic, licorice, parsley, sea veggies, chaga mushroom, coconut, raw honey, rose hips.
From [TH]: Cilantro (binds onto EB-V neurotoxins that when loose can cause tingles and numbness, aches and pains, inflammation, depression, and anxiety);
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears):
Berries (beneficial); Cardamon (highly beneficial); Celery juice (prevents and counteracts); Periwinkle
(highly beneficial due to vincamine alkaloid compound); Potatoes (prevent); Radishes (help reduce). From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, apples, berries, oregano, rosemary, sage & thyme.
Tourette’s Syndrome:
Cilantro (highly beneficial), Gotu Kola (premier herb for neurological disorders)
From [OMMS]: Wild blueberries, berries, bananas, papayas, leafy greens, lemon balm, HMD smoothie
(this is critical)
Ashwagandha (beneficial); Gotu Kola (very beneficial)
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, cranberries, dates, grapes, lemons & limes, melons, onions, cat’s claw,
parsley, sea veggies.
Trigeminal neuralgia:
From [LCF]: Wild blueberries, avocados, figs, pomegranates, cucumbers, cilantro.
From [RS]: Potatoes, mullein leaf, propolis, lemon balm, licorice root, Chaga powder, Pau D'arco,
turmeric, cat's claw, spirulina.